Wake Up Gen Z

The toughest fight which people have in their life is not the big fights but it is a smaller one. We have seen with lot of people that they are committed to their own routine but when it comes to getting up early in the morning they are finding that as a major challenge or a BIG FIGHT . Is it really that challenging or it is easy to overcome , had it been so easy to overcome then why they have named this as a BIG Fight.

Getting up early in the morning is surely not a one day phenomenon , perhaps it is a constant journey of being consistent. How to start and can we change our routines are really tough questions to answer but one can surely explore the possible answers for these questions .

In this series of blog writing , we will explore some important questions which may play an important role for a person who really wants to change their habits and who is willing to be called as a ” Morning Person “

First and most important question which one need to ask themselves is do they have any specific purpose in their life and which they feel is difficult to achieve if they are not the early riser. Think about this question and what is your possible answer in the reply of this requires a deep thinking , so think , do you have any specific purpose which is motivating you to get up early in the morning ? and how getting up early in the morning will help you to accomplish your purpose?